Chip 1997 January
CHIP Turkiye Ocak 1997.iso
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Text File
265 lines
Summary Information - Command Line
-SFilename.Drv - Set soundcard driver
-Sxx Quick set sound card
0 = No Sound
1 = Sound Blaster
2 = Sound Blaster Pro
3 = Sound Blaster 16
4 = Gravis UltraSound
5 = PC Speaker
6 = Interwave IC
7 = Sound Blaster AWE 32
8 = Pro Audio Spectrum
9 = Pro Audio Spectrum 16
-Axxx Set sound card's address (hexadecimal)
-D# Set DMA channel (decimal)
-I## Set IRQ number (decimal)
-M##### Set mixing speed (decimal)
-L### Limit number of channels
-C Control playback in DOS Shell (with Grey +/-, Right Alt & Right Ctrl)
-F Disable file-colour distinctions
-K Exchange F1 and F11 keys
-Px Pattern memory allocation strategy.
-P0 = Try to store patterns in conventional memory first, EMS is
only used once conventional memory runs out.
Not recommended, but those of you who use IT in Windows 3.xx
should try this option if you get EMS errors. (I recommend
that you don't use Windows 3.xx to track in)
-P1 = Selectively use EMS to store patterns
This is the default.
-P2 = Store patterns in EMS whenever possible
This will provide you with the greatest FreeMem.
-R Reverse channels (flip left-right)
-T1 Disable usage time indication
-T2 Enable timeslice release
-V1 Override VGA detection
-V2 Matrox compatibility mode
-X1 Disable internal MMTSR
-X2 Disable mouse
Summary Information - Effects, alphabetically
Axx - Set speed (set number of frames per row)
Bxx - Jump to order
Cxx - Break to row xx of (next) pattern
Dxy - Volume slide, x=0 down; y=0 up; x=F fine down; y=F fine up
Exx - Pitch slide down by xx
EFx - Fine pitch slide down by x
EEx - Extra fine pitch slide down by x
Fxx - Pitch slide up by xx
FFx - Fine pitch slide down by x
FEx - Extra fine pitch slide down by x
Gxx - Portamento to note with speed xx
Hxy - Vibrato with speed x, depth y
Ixy - Tremor with ontime x, offtime y
Jxy - Arpeggio with halftones x and y
Kxy - Dual command: H00 and Dxy
Lxy - Dual command: G00 and Dxy
Mxx - Set channel volume to xx (0->40h)
Nxy - Channel volume slide, x=0 down; y=0 up; x=F fine down; y=F fine up
Oxx - Set sample offset to xx00h
Pxy - Panning slide, x=0 right; y=0 left; x=F fine right; y=F fine left
Qxy - Retrigger note every y frames with volume modifier x
Values for x:
0: (nothing) 4: -8 8: (nothing) C: +8
1: -1 5: -16 9: +1 D: +16
2: -2 6: *2/3 A: +2 E: *3/2
3: -4 7: *1/2 B: +4 F: *2
Rxy - Tremelo with speed x, depth y
S3x - Set vibrato waveform
S4x - Set tremelo waveform
S5x - Set panbrello waveform
Waveforms for x in S3x, S4x and S5x:
0 = Sine 2 = Square
1 = Ramp down 3 = Random
S6x - Pattern delay for x frames
S7x - Instrument functions
Values for x in S7x:
0: Past note cut 5: Set NNA to note off
1: Past note off 6: Set NNA to note fade
2: Past note fade 7: Turn off volume envelope
3: Set NNA to note cut 8: Turn on volume envelope
4: Set NNA to continue
S8x - Set pan position
S91 - Set surround sound
SB0 - Set loopback point
SBx - Loop x times to loopback point
SCx - Note cut after x frames
SDx - Note delay for x frames
SEx - Pattern delay for x rows
Txx - Set tempo (21h->0FFh)
Uxy - Fine vibrato with speed x, depth y
Vxx - Set global volume to xx (0->80h)
Wxx - Global volume slide, x=0 down; y=0 up; x=F fine down; y=F fine up
Xxx - Set panning position (0->0FFh)
Yxy - Panbrello with speed x, depth y
Summary Information - Effects, categorically
Note: Not all effects are listed here.
Speed Control
Axx - Set speed
Txx - Set tempo (21h->0FFh)
S6x - Pattern delay for x frames
SEx - Pattern delay for x rows
Position Control
Bxx - Jump to order
Cxx - Break to row xx of (next) pattern
SB0 - Set pattern loopback point
SBx - Loop pattern x times
Volume Control
Dxy - Volume slide, x=0 down; y=0 up; x=F fine down; y=F fine up
Ixy - Tremor with ontime x, offtime y
Mxx - Set channel volume to xx (0->40h)
Nxy - Channel volume slide, x=0 down; y=0 up; x=F fine down; y=F fine up
Vxx - Set global volume to xx (0->80h)
Wxx - Global volume slide, x=0 down; y=0 up; x=F fine down; y=F fine up
Rxy - Tremelo with speed x, depth y
S4x - Set tremelo waveform
Panning Control
Xxx - Set panning position (0->0FFh)
S8x - Set pan position
S91 - Set surround sound
Pxy - Panning slide, x=0 right; y=0 left; x=F fine right; y=F fine left
Yxy - Panbrello with speed x, depth y
S5x - Set panbrello waveform
Pitch Control
Exx - Pitch slide down by xx
EFx - Fine pitch slide down by x
EEx - Extra fine pitch slide down by x
Fxx - Pitch slide up by xx
FFx - Fine pitch slide down by x
FEx - Extra fine pitch slide down by x
Gxx - Portamento to note with speed xx
Hxy - Vibrato with speed x, depth y
Uxy - Fine vibrato with speed x, depth y
S3x - Set vibrato waveform
Jxy - Arpeggio with halftones x and y
Summary Information - Pattern Editor 1
Data Entry
Alt-0 -> Alt-9 Set skipvalue to 0-9
. (period) Clear field(s)
1 Note cut (^^^)
` Note off (═══) / panning toggle (in volume column)
Spacebar Use last (default) note/instrument/volume/effect/effectvalue
│ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │
│ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │ │ ││ ││ │ │ │ ││ │ │
│ │S││D│ │ │G││H││J│ │ │2││3│ │ │5││6││7│ │ │9││0│ │
│ └┬┘└┬┘ │ └┬┘└┬┘└┬┘ │ └┬┘└┬┘ │ └┬┘└┬┘└┬┘ │ └┬┘└┬┘ │
│ Z│ X│ C│ V│ B│ N│ M│ Q│ W│ E│ R│ T│ Y│ U│ I│ O│ P│
Pattern selection
+, - Next/Previous pattern (*)
Shift +, - Next/Previous 4 patterns (*)
Ctrl +, - Next/Previous order's pattern (*)
Enter Get default note/instrument/volume/effect
'<' or Ctrl-Up Decrease instrument
'>' or Ctrl-Down Increase instrument
Grey '/' Decrease octave
Grey '*' Increase octave
',' (comma) Toggle edit mask for current field
Ins/Del Insert/Delete a row to/from current channel
Alt-Ins/Del Insert/Delete an entire row from pattern (*)
Alt-N Toggle Multichannel
2*Alt-N Multichannel selection menu
Alt-Enter Store pattern data
Alt-Backspace Revert pattern data (*)
Ctrl-Backspace Undo - any function with (*) can be undone.
Ctrl-F2 Set (multiple) pattern length
Cursor Control
Up/Down Move up/down by the skipvalue
Ctrl-Home/End Move up/down by 1 row
Alt-Up/Down Slide pattern up/down by 1 row
Alt-Left/Right Move forwards/backwards one channel
Ctrl-Left/Right Move left/right between track columns
Tab/Shift-Tab Move forwards/backwards to note column
PgUp/PgDn Move up/down by n lines (n=Row hilight major)
Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn Move to top/bottom of pattern
Home Move to start of column/start of line/start of pattern
End Move to end of column/end of line/end of pattern
Backspace Move to previous position (accounts for Multichannel)
Ctrl-C Toggle centralise cursor option.
Track View Functions
Alt-T Cycle current track's view
Alt-R Remove all track views
Alt-H Toggle track-view divisions
Ctrl-0 Deselect current track
Ctrl-1 - Ctrl-5 View current track in scheme 1-5
Ctrl-Left/Right Move left/right between track columns
Left-Ctrl &
Left-Shift 1-5 Quick setup view scheme (and enable cursor-tracking)
Ctrl-T Toggle view-channel cursor tracking
Summary Information - Pattern Editor 2
Block functions.
Shift-Movement Mark block
Alt-B Mark beginning of block
Alt-E Mark end of block
Alt-D Quick mark n/2n/4n/... lines (n=Row Hilight Major)
Alt-L Mark entire column/pattern
Alt-U Unmark block/release clipboard
Alt-Q Raise notes by a semitone (*)
Alt-A Lower notes by a semitone (*)
Alt-S Set instrument (*)
Alt-V Set volume/panning (*)
Alt-W Wipe volume/panning not associated with a note/instrument (*)
Alt-K Slide volume/panning column (*)
2*Alt-K Wipe all volume/panning controls (*)
Alt-J Volume amplifier (*) / Fast Volume attenuate (*)
Alt-Z Cut block (*)
Alt-X Slide effect value (*)
2*Alt-X Wipe all effect & effect value data (*)
Alt-C Copy block into clipboard
Alt-P Paste data from clipboard (*)
Alt-O Overwrite with data from clipboard (*)
Alt-M Mix data from clipboard with pattern data (*)
Alt-F Double block length (*)
Alt-G Halve block length (*)
Alt-I Select template mode / Fast volume amplify (*)
Ctrl-J Toggle fast volume amplification with Alt-J/Alt-I
Playback functions
4 Play note under cursor
8 Play row
Ctrl-F6 Play pattern from current row
Ctrl-F7 Set/Clear playback mark (for use with F7)
Alt-F9 Toggle current channel on/off
Alt-F10 Solo current channel on/off